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South Korea Program


This Program is currently on hold and not accepting any new applications.

Petition for Adoption Information Disclosure for Birth Family Search
Please send all birth family search requests and questions to the Post Adoption Services team at KWS:, Attention: Ms. Minji CHU.  We will post any further updates to this information as we receive them.  Thank you.

Program Manager: Lenore Cork-Lemay


General Information
  • Korea has been involved in international adoption since the 1950’s.
  • This program is open to ONTARIO residents only.
  • The Social Welfare Society (SWS) will place a limited number of children with our agency. This quota can change each year.
  • Korea will place children of mixed ethnicity, if available; however this must be indicated in the home study and Letter of Application.
  • Single parenthood is a common reason that there are children waiting for families in Korea.
  • The majority of the children will be up to 12 months of age at referral and up to 18 to 24 months at placement.
  • All children reside in professional foster homes.
  • Both boys and girls (mostly boys) are waiting for families but a family cannot specify sex.
  • Adoption is finalized in Korea.
  • Two trips to Korea are required.
  • Neither Korea nor the Ministry will permit placement of a baby if the couple is pregnant or has a child in the home less than 18 months of age.
  • The applicants are able to accept some recreational alcohol or cigarette smoking in the social and medical histories.
  • The applicants are aware that the child may be placed with them from foster care in Korea.
  • Risk factors for this adoption program include in-utero exposure to alcohol, and a history of cigarette smoking by the mother while pregnant. Therefore, all families entering this program must be open to accept a disclosed history of alcohol use and/or cigarette smoking in the Child Study
  • Please Note: as mentioned above, the Child Study is comprised of information the mother/father choose to disclose about their lifestyle choices. A Child Study that does not include prenatal history of in-utero alcohol exposure does not guarantee that alcohol, drugs and/or tobacco was not consumed during pregnancy.
  • Applicants must be willing to adopt a child with some minor and correctable medical health issues. Applicants must complete a detailed Medical Conditions Checklist.
  • Adoptive applicants must be over 25 and under 40 years of age at time of dossier submission and under 45 years of age at time of anticipated court date (child proposal). Please consult with the Program Manager prior to proceeding.
  • Must be married for a minimum of 3 years. NO single applicants accepted.
  • Only ONE divorce permitted for each partner.
  • S. Korea does not accept applications from same sex couples.
  • Must have a minimum of high school education and no more than 4 children in the home.
  • Cannot have more than one child from a country other than S. Korea. Children in the home should be physically and emotionally healthy.
  • Cannot have: current medical conditions, history of serious medical conditions, chronic illnesses, infectious or degenerative diseases, seizure disorder, or severe physical disabilities or deformities. No history of mental health diagnosis or treatment with or without psychotropic medications, or history of counselling at any time.
  • Must have psychological testing before home study is complete. As your adoption practitioner will require the results to complete a report.
  • Chronic treatable medical issues may be considered on an individual basis. Stable and mild conditions, such as: migraines, allergies, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, asthma, and benign heart conditions where no treatment is recommended may be allowed. (please contact program manager if clarification is required).
  • Applicants must have a BMI of 30 or less. (Go to to calculate your BMI.).
  • No arrest history.
  • Applicants’ combined family income must be over $50,000 gross annually. This may be reviewed SWS if there are currently children in the home and the gross income is close to $50,000 annually..
  • At least one of a couple MUST be a Canadian citizen.
  • South Korea is conservative in term of racial and religious diversity. If your family has a diverse composition please contact us to determine if the Korea program will be an option for your family.
  • Completion of a home study and approval in Ontario.
  • File sent to Korea and proposal received by The Children’s Bridge.
  • Paperwork can be no more than 6 months from the date on the paperwork when sent to Korea.
  • Child’s travel visa will be issued once the adoption is finalized and confirmed (approximately 6 to 8 weeks after court appearance). SECOND TRIP TO KOREA – ONE ADOPTIVE PARENT CAN TRAVEL.
  • Family must apply for child’s Canadian Citizenship as soon as they arrive back in Canada with their child’s Adoption Order.. Family will send Children’s Bridge a copy of the Canadian Citizenship Certificate so that the adoption file can be closed in Korea.
  • One year supervision of child by their Adoption Practitioner is required.
  • Home study completion varies (average time 3 – 4 months).
  • Approval in Ontario takes between 4 and 16 weeks.
  • Receipt of referral takes anywhere from 2 – 3 years.
  • Emigration Permission and Adoption Finalization in Korea can take up to 6 months after referral is accepted.
  • Court date is confirmed 8 – 10 months after referral acceptance is received in Korea. FAMILY MUST ATTEND COURT. FIRST TRIP – BOTH PROSPECTIVE ADOPTIVE PARENTS MUST ATTEND COURT. 
  • Child’s travel visa will be issued once the adoption is finalized and confirmed (approximately 6 to 8 weeks after court appearance). SECOND TRIP TO KOREA – ONE ADOPTIVE PARENT CAN TRAVEL.
  • Apply for Canadian Citizenship IMMEDIATELY once your arrive in Canada. IRCC can take anywhere from 6 to 24 months to process this application.
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